SEN Solar | Most Trusted Service Provider in Sri Lankan Solar Industry


SEN Solar specializes in tailor-made solar energy solutions for home and business. We take the time to assess our customers’ needs and desires so we can provide the perfect solution.

Our Values






We offer cutting edge solar technology backed by industry leading warranties. All our systems are designed and installed by Sustainable Energy Authority accredited persons. Our designer will ensure your system will give the best long term performance and return on investment.

As part of our service we welcome the opportunity to provide a FREE fully customized proposal that considers your electricity consumption profile, your current and future electricity tariffs plus a full assessment of your facilities suitability for commercial solar power.

Our Free Proposal

  • Equipment Specifications
  • Investment Return
  • System Yield
  • Estimated Monthly & Yearly Savings
  • Scope of Works
  • Module Layout
  • Make Your Roof Work For You

  • Free Site Inspection & Quotation
  • Get your Free Consultation
  • Solar System Customization
  • Sign the Agreement
  • Quick installation
  • Net Metering Approval
  • Enjoy
  • Why SEN?

  • Comprehensive Monitoring
  • Performance Guaranteed
  • Top Quality Components
  • 25 Year Warranty
  • Experienced Installers
  • Maintenance Included

    Start producing your own electricity with Solar Power Systems using premium quality Solar Panels and PV inverters. If you want a system that will offset your household electricity bills for the next 25 years without the need or expense of a system upgrade consider the advantages of installing a brand that’s guaranteed to withstand the test of time.


    About Solar Power System

    Why should you go solar? I’m sure that you have heard a lot of things said about switching over to solar energy. So what motivates so many people to make a switch over to solar energy? Here’s a list of the 10 best reasons that people decide to go solar.

  • It’s good for the environment. Unlike conventional power, solar produces no harmful emissions that hurt the environment.
  • It’s a solid home investment. Many home improvements that you will make, will not add the same value that you put into them. Solar energy will save you money each month. In addition, the investment that you made in solar, will add its exact property value to the home.
  • Solar Energy systems are durable. Solar panels have no moving parts, so they are not damaged easily. This lowers the chance for an interruption in service.
  • Solar can actually make you money! In certain states, excess solar energy pushed back onto the grid can be sold. This could provide an extra source of income.
  • Solar could help you afford that home improvement you’ve been wanting. Many people design a swimming pool or hot tub with their solar system in mind. On average a swimming pool adds $300 to your monthly energy bill. Your solar system could be designed with that extra usage in mind.
  • Solar has a fixed energy cost. Utility providers often raise energy costs, but your cost for a solar system would be the same monthly until paid off.
  • Being ahead of the curve. The future of energy is in renewable and clean energy. By converting to solar energy now, you’d be a step ahead.
  • You can use your Solar Energy all day. There’s a big myth that solar power only works when there is sun, so during the evening hours, you risk a power outage. This is untrue. Most solar energy providers keep you connected to the grid. During the morning and afternoon hours, when most people are at work, your solar system will produce more electricity than your home is using. This excess electricity is pushed back onto the grid. This literally causes your electricity meter to spin backwards. In the evening hours when the sun is down, you will be using the credited energy from the meter spinning backwards. This excess energy does not expire. It’s like roll-over minutes.
  • Solar Energy is cool! Let’s face it, what’s cooler than the sun powering your home?
  • Either way, you can’t keep the money. Whether you’re spending money to make an investment in solar energy, or giving that money to your utility provider, that money is still being spent. Deciding to go solar is very much similar to deciding to purchase a home. You can invest in yourself and take control of your energy costs, or pay your utility provider for rented energy monthly.

    Grid-tied or grid connected solar is a solar electricity system without batteries. Your home is hooked up to both the national grid and your solar electricity system, so you will always have electricity available at the flick of a switch; even at night, or if it is cloudy. You can install a solar electricity system of any size and you will only ever be billed if your power consumption is in excess of the amount you are generating.

    The electricity grid acts as a 100% efficient and maintenance free battery while also providing unlimited ‘on demand’ energy. This is what makes grid connected solar electricity so attractive. It has all the benefits of being attached to the electricity grid but with a portion of your electricity bill never increasing in price.


    Off-grid connected solar is a solar electricity system with battery backup. During the day the sun shines and charges the batteries as well as supplies power to your home. During the evening or on rainy days when the sun isn’t shining you use the power stored in the batteries. Your house is not connected to the national grid hence the name: off-grid.

    Although there have been large price reductions in the cost of panels and inverters, batteries are generally quite expensive and require regular maintenance. Generally the idea of being off the grid is quite appealing but it does requires more investment.

  • Solar Modules: Convert Sunlight into DC Electricity
  • Inverters: This converts the DC Electricity to 240V 50Hz AC electricity. The 240V AC energy is accustomed to energy home appliances with your home.
  • Net Meter: A Unit displaying the Imported and Exported Power to/from the Grid
  • Mounting Structure for the Solar Panels on your roof/ground
  • Light striking a silicon semiconductor causes electrons to flow, creating electricity. Solar power generating systems take advantage of this property to convert sunlight directly into electrical energy.

    Solar panels, which goes through a power inverter to become alternating current (AC) — electricity that we can use in the home or office, like that supplied by a utility power company.

    Our solar PV system is designed to produce electricity sufficient for a day’s consumption. Any excess power produced during the day will be exported to the grid and will be utilized back during the night from the grid. This flow is monitored through the net meter.

    There is a common misconception that solar panels need hot, Mediterranean style weather in order to work efficiently. This is not true! Solar panels work by absorbing the light from the sun, not the heat, and turning it into usable electricity.

    Therefore, solar panels will work just as well in cold weather, providing there is still some sunlight. Solar panels do not work as efficiently in very overcast weather as there is not as much sunlight for them to absorb.

    How will SEN Solar conclude on the solar PV capacity for me?

  • Consumption
  • Any possibilities for future expansion of Electrical Equipment at your premises.
  • Roof availability
  • Your budget
  • About Net Metering

    Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid. For example, if a residential customer has a PV system on the home's rooftop, it may generate more electricity than the home uses during daylight hours. If the home is net-metered, the electricity meter will run backwards to provide a credit against what electricity is consumed at night or other periods where the home's electricity use exceeds the system's output. Customers are only billed for their "net" energy use.

  • Financial Credit for Extra Solar Power Produced
  • No Battery Storage System Needed
  • No Backup Generator for when Solar Power is Not Available
  • No Maintenance – Solar Power without Hassles
  • After the Solar System has been installed, on behalf of the customer, SEN Solar will handle the application for the net meter from CEB/LECO. Thereafter an Officer from the CEB/LECO will visit your premises and will produce an estimate for the meter. Once this is paid they replace the existing meter to the Net Meter.

    Domestic Customers
    the excess power produced can be offset any time of the month and we can Zero your bill based on your existing consumption.

    Commercial customers
    the excess power produced can only be offset during the Day Tariff Time range (0530h-1830h)

    About products and warranty

    Standard warranty 10 years (Optional – 15/20/25)

    Solar Modules
    25 year transferrable power output warranty: 10 years / 90%, 25 years / 80%
    Linear performance warranty.
    12 year material and workmanship warranty.

    About Investment and recover

    Your investment decided on your consumption and your requirement.
    Recover period will defend according to your tariff. Generally it vary from 3 years to 8 years


    Net Metering

    Net Metering Development in Sri Lanka by Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka

    In today’s world most of the developing countries are already swamped with power crisis due to inadequacy of generation as well as energy storage facilities to meet the demand. Therefore there is a pressing need to implement mechanisms to manage the growing demand and improve the efficiency while reducing the energy losses, accelerating the development of low-carbon energy technologies such as renewable power generation, in order to address the global challenges of energy security, climate change and economic growth. In this context, the on-site power sources known as distributed renewable generation is becoming increasingly competitive with centralized power sources on a financial basis due to technological innovations, reduced capital costs, reduced maintenance requirements, access to inexpensive energy resources, and other benefits. One promising means of distributed renewable generation of electricity closer to the end user is introducing net metering schemes which encourage customers to generate their own electricity through renewable sources of power such as solar, hydro or biomass in their own premises. Net metering programs can make self-generation more attractive for customers by eliminating the need to size systems to meet customers’ exact power needs or install on-site storage and power conditioning devices. The deployment of distributed renewables through net metering also offers several environmental, economic and social benefits that are described in this report.

    SOLAR NET-METERING by Sustainable Energy Authority


    Net-metering is a policy that allows an electricity customer to use renewable energy sources within his premises to generate electricity and utilise it within his premises, and to export it to the national grid if excess power is being generated, to be recovered when needed. Therefore, the grid acts like an energy bank for the customer. This policy originated in the USA, but has now spread to many countries. Both electricity distributors, that is, the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and the Lanka Electricity Company Pvt. Ltd. (LECO), offer net-metering to their customers.

    Why We are?

  • Our company is an excellent choice to serve your solar needs.
  • We have over 6 years of design and installation experience.
  • We are properly licensed and accredited by Sustainable Energy Authority – Sri Lanka.
  • We will ensure that you take advantage of all government incentives and rebates.
  • Our work and solar system performance is guaranteed giving you peace of mind.
  • We give a free site assessment and quote.
  • We provide a custom design and competitive pricing.
  • It’s time to go solar. Going solar is easy with SEN Solar.